Really, all our trips weren't quite so bad. Really... even if I complain, whine and moan... they really weren't all bad.
One year, we took a trip to Dallas to see the King Ramses exhibit, that was a nice trip,
We took several trips to New Mexico that were, well, not so great. And one or two to San Antonio, weren't so bad, and we traveled back and forth to see family a lot. Usually the family visits were great. I loved my ex's family. He had a larger family than I did, and they were great, especially his mother. She was sweet, always ready to have us visit, and she was the kind of mom that cooked and cleaned and made you feel comfortable. It was nice to go visit.
And then there were the visits to my family. My aunt and uncle that always made you feel right at home. One trip, my ex and my uncle made the legs for our dining table. Uncle Chris had a wood lathe and showed my husband how to turn the legs and match them up. That was a priceless trip...
My aunt taught me a lot, she taught me to quilt, and to can food, and how to be organized. That was something that my mother had tried to teach, but it just never got through to me... but my aunt was very, very organized. She had never ending reserves of energy and put them to good use. Her kitchen was always immaculate, the pantry was always clean and organized, as was the cellar, and her closets, and... the whole place!
She taught me to pack for a trip... but the problem was... she packed a motor home, where I never had the luxury of taking everything including the kitchen sink... so, even though she taught me to pack, it was not very reasonable packing.
She packed sheets, blankets, extra clothing, kitchen utensils, pots, pans, kitchen linen, and bathroom supplies. She packed the outdoor things, like lanterns, chairs, grilling equipment, tables, decorations, and... well, when they went anywhere, it was just like home.
Now... this is where I get the packing problems. I pack for every situation that might arise, just like my aunt did... I just don't have a motor home...
It's wonderful to have that extra set of clean clothes when you have gotten caught out in the rain, or that pair of gloves when it snows unexpectedly...
Or that pair of Wellies for traipsing through a meadow after a rain.
Believe me, I've gotten caught out in the pouring rain... had freak snowstorms, and traipsed through ankle deep mud and more...
I've been so glad to have that extra stuff...
I always pack some extra:
socks, just in case...
gloves, especially at that time of year when you aren't sure Winter is over
clean underwear... you never know
I also carry around that pack of baby wipes.
When you are packing for an extended trip, check the weather forecast for the area you are visiting. This has become such an easy task, that there is no excuse not to.
These are a few of the links to find updated weather forcasts.
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